1404 7th St, Oregon City, OR 97045

Phone Number: (503) 785-8250

Fax Number: (503) 785-8172

  • Bus Drivers Needed

    We have many positions open for bus drivers. We are a unique district in that drivers maintain the same route their whole career. This provides them the opportunity to build strong, lasting relationships with their riders. Apply today!

  • Volunteer

    Fill out the application and start the process to becoming a volunteer.

  • Enrollment Process

    Is OCSLA the best fit for your high school student?

Are you an invested member of our community and want to learn more about what's happening in our district?

Join our Community Group in ParentSquare! We use ParentSquare as our official communication platform for all OCSD communications. Sign up and start receiving all our newsletters, district messages, and more.

Visit this link to join: https://www.parentsquare.com/community_signups/83b3ea9c-7718-47ad-a60f-ef68bb3b1a2a/new

ParentSquare Resources

Questions? Comments?
Send us a message!


Oregon City Service Learning Academy
1404 7th Street
Oregon City, OR 97045
(P) 503-785-8250
(F) 503-785-8172

8:30am - 4:00pm


OCSLA School Board Updates

2023-2024 School Year: